Roofing Project Update August 2021

We wanted to update you on the latest development regarding the roofing project.  We now have a team working on our behalf. 

Josh and Pete Meyers from Safe Harbor Public Adjusters (PA’s) have been hired to work on our behalf against the insurance company.   

We have met with them and they are putting together a team that will be handling everything with our insurance company.  This team consists of the Legacy Roofing , the PA’s, an attorney, 2 engineers and NRG Restoration.  They want to make sure that all bases are covered when they meet with the insurance company on our property again. 

NRG Restoration will be the company that will come in and check your attic and/or garage for water damage, mold etc.  We need to know if you would like NRG to come into your house and check your attic and/or garage for damage.  If it is decided that the damage was from the roof, we may be able to roll that into our claim and it will be fixed as part of the project.  The cost of the inspection is $0.00. 

  If you would like NRG to inspect your attic, please email the board by Friday, 8/13/21 at with the following information: 

Name, address, phone number  

NRG will call you to make the appointment and ask that you clear the entrance area of the attic/garage and that any pets are locked up.  


Thank you for you continued patience while we work through this process.


Painting begins September 13th


Watch the latest public meeting