Note on proposed budgets & September Meeting
Regarding the proposed budgets that were mailed along with the last meeting notice, we wanted to make clear how voting works and clarify how to read the budget documents.
The letter that was sent to owners contained two pages. The first page was the meeting invitation and the second page included the proposed budgets. The second page is double sided. Please note that each side of that second page is a separate budget.
At the top of the page you will see the code NTA-22-V1 on one side and NTA-22-V2 on the other. When we vote on the budgets we will refer to V1 (version 1) and V2 to differentiate them.
Voting will be held virtually at the meeting. You must attend the meeting to vote on the budget. We will open an online poll for a limited amount of time during the meeting and anyone in attendance will be able to cast their vote and it will be private. We will tally the votes and whichever version of the budget has more support will be the one the board will commit to working with and officially adopting at our final meeting of the year.
This September meeting is a public meeting but it is not an official quarterly meeting. This is just an extra meeting to allow you to be involved in the budget and planning process. Our final, official public meeting will be held in late October.