Public Meeting September 16

Every fall the board votes on a budget for the following year. We always give owners time to review and give feedback on next year’s budget but this year we’re doing things differently. On September 16th at 6:30pm we will have an extra public meeting to allow you to directly vote on the version of the budget that we will pass at our final meeting of the year which will be held in October. With this letter you will find two versions of our 2022 budget [Note: the physical letter has these documents attached. Please refer to the mailed letter or reach out to the board if you lost your copy]. Please review them both. We will explain, discuss, and hold a public vote on them during the meeting to choose which we move forward with. The following month, at our last meeting of the year, we will officially vote on the budget you chose and it will take effect on January 1st, 2022.

The next meeting will be held via Zoom. You can join by going to and entering the following information:

[Please see the letter sent to your home, join our private Facebook Group, or reach out to the board if you need the meeting ID and passcode sent to you again]

We hope to see you there,
Bill, Jim, and Stacy
Neufairfield Townhome Association Board of Directors


Note on proposed budgets & September Meeting


Interior Roof Inspections Update